Craig is the Manager of our Hedon office. 
Last dream: I couldn’t tell you! I have vivid dreams all the time but within seconds of waking I have no memory of them. 
Favourite Band: Mainly Indie stuff from the 90s. I’m listening to Garbage at the moment but I don’t have a stand out favourite. 
Looking forward to in 2021: Hopefully going to watch football in the flesh as well as playing (football) again. 
Dream Gig: Never been to Glastonbury so would like to go, but never seen Garbage either so probably them if I had to choose right now. 
Dream Destination: Loads of places - India, New Zealand, Canada but really fancy Iceland too. 
Nostalgic Treat: fish fingers and chips with salad cream! 
Karaoke song: Ha! I don’t think so. I’d empty the place. 
Current TV box set: It’s a bit grim but it’s a Netflix series about Killers! 
Lockdown sanity tip: Get a dog! 
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