Tips for Drivers - Stay Safe On The Roads
Posted on 27th August 2022 at 12:55
It’s good to keep on top of these checks throughout the year, but especially if you’re driving long distances.
Check out this video from RAC - how to check tyre tread with 20p.
Here are a few tips to help you feel more confident about the journeys you are taking:
Engine oil is absolutely vital for keeping your car working properly, without it the engine will seize. As soon as the warning light comes on, top it up. Most outlets will advise which oil is right for your car.
Never miss a service or MOT. Your mechanic is the expert and you’d be wise to listen to their advice to ensure your car is safe.
Be kind to the car you’re driving: apply the brakes smoothly to avoid them wearing down, try not to rev the engine unnecessarily as the temperature change can damage engine components and only use the clutch when you’re changing gear - riding the clutch creates pricy repairs - ouch!
Remove unnecessary weight from your boot or back seats. You may use your vehicle to carry weight for short distances, but over time this will wear many components out.
Don't ignore warning lights or strange noises. Cars usually let you know when something is going wrong.
Driving a vehicle with worn/bald tyres can be very serious. Not only can it invalidate your insurance but it can also lead the 3 penalty points or a £2500 fine. The video above demonstrates how to check your tyre tread with a 20 pence piece – expert advice from RAC.
Tagged as: tyre tread, RAC
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